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Preventive measures against barotitis during a flight
Half of all passengers taking a flight have experienced the unpleasant feeling of pressure or pain in the ears, which is primarily experienced during descent and landing phase. Usually the problem can be solved relatively quickly by equalising the pressure, e.g. by yawning or swallowing.
The symptoms are often more severe in children and the pressure cannot be equalised so easily. If the equalisation of pressure cannot be achieved, barotrauma develops that can begin with the symptoms described above. The following article explains why children are more prone to developing barotrauma of the ear, and shows some options on how to prevent and avoid severe impact of the barotrauma.
Hannover Airport
User acceptance study verifies: Flying without ear pain using SANOHRA fly ear plugs–
The most customer friendly airport offers its passengers help to equalise cabin pressure.
Over half of all passengers taking a flight know the unpleasant feeling of pressure or pain in the ears, which is primarily experienced during descent and landing phase. Usually the problem can be solved relatively quickly by equalising the pressure, e.g., by yawning or swallowing. Ear pain is the most frequent illness associated with flying and occurs in about five percent of adult passengers and twenty-five percent of all children.
SANOHRA fly ear plugs are special divices developed specifically for air travel, which ensure slow and continuous balancing of pressure between the surroundings and middle ear and thus protect the ears at the best way possible.